DevOps Culture
When I started bootstrapping the DevOps team here at Kissflow, one of my top priorities was setting up the Team’s culture. Building a team starts with establishing a culture backed by a mission. This culture should be thought of as a calling and driven by a mission that truly matters.
One of the keys to creating a solid and effective culture is to give your Team more trust, freedom, and authority than you might initially feel comfortable with. If you’re not feeling nervous about it, then you know you need to give them even more. It can be a confusing balance, but it’s essential.
Empower your Team & they will Amaze you!
Throughout my career as a leader in various IT functions, I’ve realized the importance of empowering my Team. When you give your Team the freedom and trust to make decisions, they will often amaze you with their results. Empowering your Team is key to building a successful and effective culture.